If someone asks if they can have a trash item in the loot, I say yes. And yes, if someone else pops a scale before I can, they get the loot. But buying a scale is immensely worth it to save myself hassle and frustration. The loot is usually barely a bonus except for the occasional honorary. The quest turn-ins replace the gold I spent on the scale. I haven't had a problem with AFKers in months. Parties usually fill quick and very rarely does anyone bid, most ppl leave right away. I don't use LFP for HM, I advertise with a low ap req and my loot my scale.

It's just stupid to sit around waiting to get into a group with a scale and then complain about the difficulty just because you won't pay the money or time to get one for yourself. Buying a few scales saves a ton of trouble with finding an LFP group with someone willing to use one.

The reason? I want to be able to complete HM quickly and easily when it's a part of the DC. I saved up a stash of scales when they were easier to get and occasionally buy a handful when they're cheaper than norm. And yes, they are wastes of space for intentionally joining something beyond their capabilities, contributing nothing to completing the content and then taking stuff that they did not earn. They need to replace the weapon requirement portion on dungeon tooltips with actual bare minimum stats to prevent wastes of space from even hitting the queue button for purple dungeons at 50. I run each daily challenge dungeon at least 3 times each every day. There have been no players speaking up and saying they want to learn the old fashioned way and I ask if there's anyone new in every group I end up in if there are players below HM 8. I've run into nothing but leeches and bots lately in LFP. but for the love of all that is holy, I'm nearing my breaking point on patience when dealing with everyone below 450-500 AP range in the LFP button section. I like being nice and helpful in game, I don't even mind carrying people as long as they listen to my instructions. I even ran into a special person who was absolutely sure Cold Storage had no mechanics whatsoever while being at below 400 ap and expected the rest of the group to carry him even after 2 wipes caused by no one doing mechanics. Sogun's Lament and Sundered Nexus every other cricketing day is absolute cancer since people don't bother to learn the mechanics, listen when the mechanics are explained to them or even have the bare minimum stats for these places which are heavily dependant on mechanics.

They need to change the entire daily challenge schedule lineup.